So recently a coworker of mine crowned me selfie queen. I was flattered of course! He then asked me how I get the "perfect" selfie. When I was explaining the way I go about taking selfies he suggested I tell you guys how to get the "perfect" selfie. I am going to share my top tips and the photo editing apps I use as well. If you have any tips please leave them in the comments below. Lets get started!
1. Lighting- I personally use either the natural light that is bouncing off the walls or I use a selfie light. I purchased my selfie light at Target for $10. It has adjustable brightness, comes in different colors and comes with a charging cable. With all that said you don't need to buy the selfie light, just use the natural light that is bouncing off something so it is not super harsh. Lighting is super important!
2. Angles- Everyone has different angles because everyone's face is shaped differently. Personally I have my phone slightly above my head, with my head tilted to the right, eyebrow arched and a smile. I recommend that no one take a selfie with their phone directly below their face because you will get some major double chin action! So play with your angles and find the one that you think is the most flattering.
3. Background- We have all seen the boy/girl who took a selfie and in the background they had a messy room or worse. No one ever wants to be that person so you need to be cautious of what is in the background of your pictures. I personally go for a plain background like a wall.
4. Camera- To be honest you don't need a fancy camera to take fancy selfies. But there is a difference in quality of photos from your front facing camera and the regular iPhone camera. Can you guess which camera takes the better pictures? If you guessed the regular iPhone camera you would be correct. The resolution in the front facing camera is lower than the regular camera. Personally I use the front facing camera so I can see what I look like, but for my MOTD photos I used the regular camera.
5. Editing Apps- I am Lanii Robb and I am an editing junkie. I will be honest and say I have downloaded far too many editing apps to my phone. By doing so I have found my favorites. My favorites include Facetune, Enlight, Afterlight, Aviary and Whitagram. I use these apps to do a variety of things. Some of the following apps I did pay for while others are free. I don't use all of them for every single photo, I have them just in case I have to touch up some things.
Here are some of my selfies:
TWITTER: LaniiRobb
SNAPCHAT: Naniigirl