How I Stay Positive♡

7:52:00 AM

Not too long ago I was going through something that had me down in the dumps. Like the saying when it rains it pours, well it was true. I began to feel as tho a negative energy was looming around me and just wouldn't let me be. Unfortunately I let that negativity consume me to the point where I was faking a smile, faking a laugh and crying all the time. Negativity can take a huge toll on your life and I am here to tell you what I did and what I do to stay positive. My situation may be different from yours but I have been there and I hope sharing this can help.

So here are a couple of things I do that really help me:

1. Meditate- I meditate every morning for about 15 minutes while everyone else is sleeping. I meditate in silence, to music or nature sounds depending how I feel when I wake up. Meditating  really helps to clear your mind of everything and helps you center yourself before you take on your day. If meditating is not for you just take 15 minuets in the morning for yourself. You could just drink coffee in silence, read something, stretch, listen to music, whatever it is take that time for yourself.

2. Be Positive- After I meditate I say out loud " Today is going to be a good day". I am being positive and putting it out into the universe. Whatever you put out into the universe you get back. So think positive thoughts, say positive things and you will attract positive energy.

3. Eat Colorfully & Hydrate- I have to admit sometimes its hard but eat colorful food and you will feel better. The more color you have on your plate the healthier it is and the happier your body will be. I personally have a hard time eating my greens so I recently have been obsessed with green juices and smoothies to get in my veggies. Also drink lots of water! Staying hydrated is very important. I personally drink about 3 Liters of water a day.

4. Sweat it out- When I have had a bad day or am just upset I like to purge that negativity from my body and mind. I work out. I don't do the same thing every time I like to change it up. I go for a swim, I punch the punching bag, I do some yoga, I dance etc. Find some exercises that you enjoy doing and it will help. I also blast music so I don't allow any distractions, except when I am swimming I like silence.

5. Limit the Television- Personally I do not like to watch the television in the morning during the week. In the morning I like to listen to music, sometimes a podcast while I get ready. When I get home from work I don't turn on the t.v right away. I watch t.v up to an hour or half an hour before bed. Just so my body and mind have time to relax.

6. Journal - I am a firm believer in keeping a journal. Even if its just to jot down how you are feeling, how your day was, or whatever you need to write down. I have gone through some horrible things and I was not a very outgoing person when it came to my feelings. But having a journal and being able to say the things that I felt I could not say out loud got me through it.

7. Purge Negative People- By purge I do not mean kill, I mean cut ties with people that are negative, that are not going to help you grow as a person. This might be friends, family members, boyfriends, girlfriends. I believe that you are the company that you keep, that is why I surround myself with positive, bubbly, genuine people. They support me, they encourage me and I support them and encourage them. Find people that are going to grow with you.

Those are just some of the things I do to stay positive. I can honestly say doing these things have really helped me stay positive. Remember it is okay to have a bad day, we all have bad days. Just do not let that one bad day turn into a bad week, a bad month, a bad year. Make the best of every day.

These are some of the things that I use and love:
*Kreation 50 Shades of Green
*Fiji Water
*Instant Happy Journal
*Eat In Color
*Find Your Happy
*How To Meditate
*25 Ways to Exercise Without Realizing It 
*doTerra Essential Oils



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